Spoken Language


At The Alderton Infant School we recognise the importance of English as an interconnected subject. Our intent is that pupils apply their knowledge and skills in reading, spoken language and writing to all subjects within the curriculum which will enable them to access the wider world.  

Spoken Language 

We recognise the importance of equipping pupils with a wide range of vocabulary to enable them to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings with clarity and confidence. Developing vocabulary, grammar and the understanding of language supports reading and writing skills to ensure the increased progress of all children.   


English is planned from the National Curriculum 2015 and content from the EYFS Framework supported by Development Matters 2021. Planning across all year groups includes Greater Depth opportunities which encourage pupils to apply their knowledge consistently, confidently and fluently.  

Spoken Language

Spoken language is taught directly in lessons and applied across the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to speak in partners, groups and individually, thus allowing gaps to be closed and good modelling opportunities. We promote a language rich environment across the curriculum by constantly teaching and displaying new vocabulary for the children to use, understand and build on. 

A range of interventions in spoken language including Wellcomm for Early Years and across Key Stage One is used to support speaking and listening due to general low levels on entry.  Visual Coding is displayed and used in classes to promote correct sentence structure in both spoken language and writing.  

We celebrate No Pens Day to raise awareness and promote the importance of communication for the development of literacy, learning, emotional and social skills throughout school life.  


Staff teams work closely together to develop each child as a learner. We aim to close gaps in attainment by being ambitious for our most vulnerable pupils and removing barriers so they can achieve their best.  

The impact on our children includes:   

  • raised achievement and understanding in spoken sentence structure 
  •  increased range of vocabulary  
  •  raised grammatical understanding in speech to impact on writing 
  • Transferrable writing skills across the curriculum 
  • Increased familiarity and knowledge of 90 high-quality books through the implementation of the Fantastic Five for each half term 
  • Increased fluency in reading through the use of carefully selected books matched to the phonics progression.  

English Policy