
Music at The Alderton Infant School


Music lessons at Alderton Infant School ensure thorough coverage of the aims, attainment targets and subject content of the national curriculum for music and the EYFS Framework.  Much more than this, our intent is to ensure that all children experience the joy of making music and are given the opportunity to develop this vital aspect of human creativity.   

The music curriculum is: 

  • Skills based and organised sequentially to build upon previously learned skills
  • Based around the core musical areas of singing, playing, improvising, composing and listen skills/musical knowledge 
  • Views music as a practical and hands on subject with an emphasis on using a variety of musical instruments in every lesson 


  • Music lessons are taught by a music specialist teacher in a dedicated music room. 
  • The music room is well resourced with class sets of ukuleles, djembes and glockenspiels, as well as various other tuned percussion instruments.  
  • Classes are taught weekly for 30min.   
  • Lessons incorporate rhythm and pitch games, singing, and practical music making (use of instruments) 


  • Attainment in music is recorded termly.   
  • Data is recorded in Target Tracker. 
  • Meetings between the music teacher and the SLT are held termly to ensure the children’s progress.


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1  

Spring 2 

Summer 1  

Summer 2 


The Beatles 

The Beatles / Christmas 

Ukuleles 2 

Ukuleles 2 




Folk Music of the British Isles 

Folk Music / Christmas 

Ukuleles 1 

Ukuleles 1 

Sun, Sea and Song 

Sun, Sea and Song 


Hey You! 

Hey You! / Christmas 




Under the Sea 





Playing (Developing Instrumental / Ensemble Skills) 



Listening skills and musical knowledge 


Sing nursery rhymes and action songs as part of the class. 

Show enjoyment of singing. 

Sing and perform actions. 

Experiment with a range of untuned percussion instruments and play in time with live and recorded music.   

Play an instrument loudly and quietly (dynamics).  

Create own rhythm using body percussion that class can echo back.   

Shared whole class composition of a ‘soundtrack’ to accompany a short story.   

Name a range of familiar untuned percussion instruments which are used in class.   

Clap hands / move body in time to a steady beat in the music (‘pulse’).   

Echo back a short rhythm (e.g. 2 bars of 2/4).   

Y1 & Y2 

Sing with some control over voice: dynamics, appropriate tone, pitch.   

Sing as part of a small group in front of class. 

Sing a solo in front of class.   

Perform a simple melody on glockenspiel by reading note names.   

Play melodies using open strings of ukulele. 

Play melodies using notes of A, B and C on a ukulele.   

Play the chords of C major and A minor on a ukulele.   

Play melodies using notes of G, A and B on a recorder.   

Clap or use untuned percussion to read and play a short rhythm using crotchets and quavers.   

Perform ‘question and answer’ by improvising a 2 bar rhythm which differs from the ‘question’.   

Improvise a melody using glockenspiel using up to five notes (C to G).   

Make use of rests, repeated notes and some rhythmic interest when improvising a melody on a glockenspiel.   

Write down own melody using notes of C up to G.  Record using note names.   

Work in a group to create a soundscape (graphic score) composition using a variety of percussion instruments 

Write own short rhythms using crotchets and quavers.  Perform this by clapping or using untuned percussion.   

Echo back a more complex / longer rhythm.  (E.g. four bars of 2/4 or a rhythm which incorporates dotted rhythms or triplets).   

Give simple explanations of how different musical instruments create sounds (link to science knowledge / vocab e.g. “vibration”.) 

Name the parts of a ukulele (head, neck, body, strings).