School Times

The School Day is 8:35am - 3:05pm.

The School Office is open from 8.30am – 4.15 from Monday - Friday.

Pupil absence must be reported before 9.30am daily. There is an answer machine for out of hours messages - call 020 8508 7168 or email


The bell is rung and teachers/LSAs open the outside door for children to enter. Initially Foundation Stage children are brought to, and collected from the classroom, then quickly move on to be independent, collect their own items to be dropped off and collected from the external classroom door. Years 1 and 2 enter the corridor on their own saying farewell to their adult at the external classroom door. Junior Adventures group escort children on their register to the classroom.


The school day begins and the register is taken. The corridor doors are shut from inside. After this time latecomers must enter through the School Office and provide reason for late arrival.




Play Time



10:30 - 10:45 + 5 mins drink & toilet



10:30 - 10:45 + 5 mins drink & toilet



10:30 - 10:45 + 5 mins drink & toilet



10:30 - 10:45+ 5 mins drink & toilet



10:30 - 10:45 + 5 mins drink & toilet

Morning Playtime

There are two spacious areas of outdoor space, one for EYFS children and the other for Key Stage 1 children. The school provides a mid-morning snack and drink.

A bell sounds the end of break and children “freeze” and show 10 fingers. Once still and quiet children are told “It’s time to walk in” and the entire school ‘flows’ into school. Children are in class ready to start the lesson by 10:50.

Lunchtime is split into two sessions as follows:

12:00 to 1:00 Early Years Foundation Stage Reception classes

12:15 to 1:15 Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & Year 2)


A bell signals the end of afternoon school and home time for the children. Children are not allowed to leave the Class Teacher and building until a known adult can be seen. Any children left after ten minutes may be escorted to the main School Office. Junior Adventures Group staff collect children on their register at the end of the day.

**Please note that a child will not be allowed to leave with an unknown adult without prior arrangement or telephone call from the parent/carer, with a child under the age of 16 or anyone deemed unfit to take care of the child**