
The Alderton Infant School want to ensure that everyone feels safe.  All aspects of Health, Safety and Well-being are considered within our curriculum including assemblies, policies and practise. 

We believe that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and expect all staff and volunteers to share that safeguarding responsibility and commitment. It is important for us to create an environment that protects children so that they feel safe and happy.

We support our children from the time they come into school to keep themselves and other others safe. We teach them to respect one another and empower them to take measures to keep themselves safe including talking to trusted adults, saying no and discussing their feelings and emotions. 

We understand the importance that all stakeholders are considered and trust that The Alderton Infant School invest in everyone's well-being including Staff, Children, Governors and the Families within our Community.

Our Child Protection Team - Designated Safeguard Leads

Attendance Policy


Behaviour & Relationships Policy


Child Protection Policy


Computing & E-Safety Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Staff Code of Conduct

Whistle Blowing Policy