Art & Design


Art and DT at The Alderton Infant School


I like drawing and colouring in my pictures. I use pens, pencils, crayons and chalk (Elsie Yr R )


When I made animal cages I had to use the blocks and put them on top of each other. I also made a boat. First I designed my boat, then I got some paper and put it on top of my boat. I made a sail using paper and three lolly sticks. (Fletcher Yr R) 


We did about Henri Rousseau. We did a painting of a background and a chameleon. I liked it because I like painting. We used scissors and pastels to make it fun. ( Kyra Yr 1 ) 


Art’s fun because we can try and do it better again. I like doing drawing of things in my classroom. (Wilder Yr 1)


I Like making sculptures. We do this with Earth Art, I made a flower with natural materials that are sticks and clay! (Siyana Yr 2)


Useful online websites to access:


At The Alderton Infant School our art and design curriculum is designed with our pupils in mind. We want pupils to develop knowledge, skills and understanding to be engaged, inspired and challenged throughout their learning journey. We plan and teach sequenced art lessons based on skills, using a range of media and give the children opportunities to apply the skills learned in other areas of the curriculum, making the lessons relevant and meaningful. Through cross curricular work, pupils will learn that art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture and creativity of our world. Art and design provides the children with opportunities to develop a range of ways that they can express their creativity.  It contributes to independence, self-reflection and allows them to develop a natural sense of curiosity about the world around them.


At The Alderton Infant School we teach Art through a skills based curriculum using the national curriculum and the early years framework. The skills are developed and built upon each year so that progression can be seen clearly across our school. All children are exposed to a range of media each year giving them the opportunity to explore, develop and embed their skills and understanding of that media. Along the way they’ll learn about famous artists and their works too! During each lesson, progress will be assessed in a range of ways. The children will be aware of the skills they are developing through discussion of the learning objective and will be reminded to look back on and improve on their previous learning. Through self and, at times, peer evaluation the children will discuss what they have achieved and what they will need to continue to practise and develop in order to continue to improve their skill set. Teachers will also discuss the learning with the children. We believe it is extremely important that our children feel empowered and able to “make mistakes”, this is how we grow and develop.


By the end of their time with us, we want our children to have learned, improved and embedded a range of artistic skills. They should have an awareness of a broad range of artists and be able to consider and discuss the artworks they come across. We want our pupils to be confident to explore, experiment and take risks, placing value on the process and journey that they take, not just on the finished product. Most importantly, we want children to have found and enjoyed a creative outlet – a means of self-expression and enjoyment.


Art and Design Policy