Zones of Regulation



At The Alderton Infant School we recognise the importance of Personal, Social, Emotional and Health Education (PSHE) and how it can be connected to a variety of subjects.  We cover the national curriculum for Key Stage One and from September 2021 we will be using the EYFS 2020 framework.   

Our PSHE curriculum enables our children to be independent, resilient and healthy individuals. The children are also able to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. We ensure that PSHE supports children with their communication skills and forming relationships with their peers.  

Our PSHE curriculum helps children to develop their personal, social, and emotional learning and prepare them for the next stage in their education. From a young age we want our children to make the right choices, be sensitive to the needs of others, be respectful and polite. During PSHE we talk about real life experiences children have encountered or may be likely to. We also make connections with wider aspects of school e.g. school rules, values, rewards and behaviour expectations. 



In Reception we take into account the different experiences the children will have had and their different starting points when starting school.  

From September 2021 our PSHE framework in EYFS will be focusing on 3 areas.


  • Self-regulation- This will allow children to develop an understanding of their own feelings and others. It will enable the children to work towards simple goals and handle a delay when waiting for something they would like. The children will be able to develop their listening skills e.g. following instructions that involve more than one action.
  • Managing self- This will enable the children grow in confidence and be ready to try new activities. It will help to develop their independence, perseverance and resilience as well as understanding the difference between right and wrong. The children will also have opportunities to develop their understanding of the importance of healthy food, personal hygiene etc.  
  • Building relationships- The children will be able to develop their friendships by learning how to work and play together and taking turns.  

Key Stage One

Our PSHE scheme of work covers the targets that should be met by the end for Key Stage One. The PSHE scheme of work builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during reception.  For Key Stage One PSHE has been put into 3 different areas.  

  • Health and wellbeing - The children are able to develop a better understanding of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They will be able to distinguish the difference between good and not so good feelings. The children will also know ways of keeping physically safe e.g. road and internet safety. The children will also develop their skills on staying emotionally safe e.g. the difference between secrets and surprises.  
  • Relationships- This enables the children to develop their feelings and how to communicate those feelings. The children will be able to recognise the difference between right and wrong, kind and unkind etc.  
  • Living in the wider world- The children will be able to construct and follow class/ school rules. The children will develop the skills in understanding that people and other living things have needs. 

Whilst these are 3 separate areas they can be interwoven with each other and sometimes we are able to draw on more than one theme for example RSE falls within Health and Wellbeing and Relationships.  Using this scheme allows us to draw on the children’s current experiences but also prepare them for their future.  We provide a spiral curriculum which enables children to develop knowledge, skills and attributes. Some areas are revisited and extended year on year.  

Whole school

We are constantly looking at the changes with specific knowledge in PSHE e.g. medical or technological advances. Therefore we are ensuring that the information we are using is up to date and accurate.  The Alderton Infant School also use The Zones of Regulation in Key Stage 1. This allows the children to identify their emotions and attitudes throughout the day. In EYFS we use mood stars which enables the children to talk about their feelings.  

During PSHE lessons we ask pupils to apply their knowledge and skills onto other subjects such as science and maths. For example when looking at money in maths it is important for the children to understand what money is and why we need it. By connecting these skills and knowledge it helps the children to access the wider world.  We have other links into PSHE for example school council, circle time and class discussions.  


By the time children leave our school they will have the confidence to try new things and persevere. They will have a good understanding of how to form positive and healthy relationships, how to stay safe physically and emotionally. The children will show an understanding of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and understand why it is important.  

RSE Policy

PSHE policy

Zones of Regulation